Feeding your bearded dragon the right food is crucial for maintaining its health and longevity. Fortunately, it's easy to find and provide appropriate food for your pet. However, the type of food you feed your dragon depends on its age.To prevent spoilage and fermentation, moisten dried food, but remove any uneaten food daily. Feeding your bearded dragon dried diets with low moisture content can lead to dehydration. Store food in a cool, dry place to ensure freshness.Always provide fresh drinking water in the habitat and feed your dragon only formulated food. Insects, such as crickets, should be dusted and gut-loaded with powdered supplements like calcium, vitamins, and minerals. Insects should be a daily staple, and greens should always be available.For hatchlings and juveniles, vegetables should make up 10-25% of their diet, while adults need 30-50%. Offer a variety of vegetables, but crickets and dark leafy greens are essential for babies.Feed your bearded dragon 10-12 crickets and a few locusts at a time, three times a day. Avoid feeding your pet too many carrots, which can lead to Vitamin A toxicity, and cook or microwave squash before feeding it to your dragon.Crickets can be kept in a creature keeper with some food and water at room temperature, and cricket water pillows can keep them hydrated. They can be alternated with waxworms, canned grasshoppers, and canned silkworms.Mealworms are suitable for larger dragons but not for juveniles because the hard shell can cause impaction. Avoid leaving any uneaten crickets in the tank overnight to prevent bites.Providing a variety of food is essential for success. Bearded dragon food is easily accessible in pet stores or the produce section of grocery stores. With these tips, feeding your pet lizard will be straightforward and enjoyable.